Of my youth during the terrible depression, the thing I mostly remembered, is that after each meal, lunch or dinner, my mother used to say:
“And today we still had food on the table!”
On the tenth of May 1940 the Germans invaded Belgium and with thousands of other refugees we left Brussels and it […]
When I arrived in Brussels after the war I was shocked .
My parents and Rafael and Lucie had been hiding and when Brussels was liberated they had nothing left .
They lived in rue Destouvelle in a cheap apartment and were trying to make a living selling shirts and tee shirts to the […]
This is sunday and the weather is terrible there is a tropical storm coming from the Pacific and Hurricane Ines coming from the Gulf of Mexico .
It is raining so that no six tours of the garden in front of our house.
No Pied de Cochon the french restaurant where we supposedly eat dinlunch […]
I want to be a little bit with you
And hold your hand and say ” I love you ”
That was fifty three years ago .
What will happen in the next two years and will I still love you ? The world is going crazy , there will be war and killings and people […]
This is a true story but not very original as many people in Vail had a similar experience last winter .
But it was late and the kids were at home eating enchiladas with their parents drinking tequila and beer .
We were walking and talking when suddenly fifty yards ahead there appeared […]
We were watching BBC and saw the opening session of the British Parliament.
The Queen accompanied by Prince Philip looked terrible . She was shuffling and with effort advanced to the throne .
We found out that she had been hospitalized for acute diarrhea.
We sent her a letter via Stephanie who […]
God created the Universe and then became an atheist.
He had no patience to deal with all the details that existed for each of the billions and trillion trillions of living organisms that emerged from his original Big Bang.
He tried to concentrate on the few billions of humans but they were so […]
Tony Hauser had organized a book reading at a small bookstore in Forest Hill Toronto .
It is a small library and he knew the owner, a multimillionaire who sells books as a hobby .
She owns several bookstores in Canada and they are all very successful even with the competition of digital books
Vos petits soldats de plomb marchent tous en unisson.
Attention a ce qu’ils ne se reveillent pas .
Ce serait un désastre et la fin des deux Corées.
Et peut causer une troisième guerre mondiale.
Et pour nous tous une belle et mortelle finale.
Who makes these magnificent triangles of very good creamy swiss cheese?
When I was young many years ago they existed and I believed that a million young Chinese girls were pouring that liquid gruyere on small molds and sealing them with silver papers that had been cut to the size of the mold.
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